frequently asked questions

  • Is SAPLESTON more expensive as compared to conventional Paneling products like Wood Veneer / Laminates ?

    Prices of SAPLESTON vary depending upon the Shade, Backing material and Size. But the total cost of using SAPLESTON makes it more reasonable as time taking polishing etc. is not required.

  • Do I need to buy Special Tools / Equipments for working with SAPLESTON ?

    NO, All standard Wood working / Stone working Tools can be used with Sapleston. Regular tools are suitable for Sawing / Drilling / Milling
    / Cutting /Bending / Pressing this product.

  • Will SAPLESTON break or develop Cracks as stone is BRITTLE by Nature ?

    NO, Sapleston is very Flexible and Easy to use. It can be BENDED in Concave / Convex forms or in Arched or Radial Form depending upon the particular nature of the Curve

  • Is some special Surface treatment required before Fixing SAPLESTON onto it ?

    In majority of cases, the only requirement is to clean the Surface to remove any contaminant or dirt. Sapleston is glued onto the surface using standard Laminating adhesive. In rare cases, certain surfaces may require preparation with a suitable Solvent / Primer. Anyway, we suggest that a small area on the surface should be tested before fixing SAPLESTON onto it.

  • What type of Maintenance does SAPLESTON require after being fixed onto a surface ?

    Sapleston requires the same minimal maintenance which normal Slate stone Tiles need.

  • For large area application, is SAPLESTON available in a uniform and standard Color and Grain ?

    Stone being a Natural Product is always subject to Color and Grain variation. However on special customer request, we can “GROUP – MATCH” the ordered quantity at no Extra Cost. Size of the Group may be confirmed beforehand.

  • What is the Life of SAPLESTON ?

    Theoretically, Slate stone lasts for a Lifetime. But for Practical reasons, we offer a guaranteed life span of 10 years.

  • Can SAPLESTON be used in wet areas ?

    Yes, after applying the suitable sealer, it can be used in any wet areas like bathroom, kitchen etc.